Public Hearing
The Council for the City of Corning, New York held a public hearing at 6:15 p.m. at Council
Chambers, Civic Center Plaza, Corning, New York.
All Councilmembers attended the hearing except Council members Betty Coccho and Mark
Resue. Counting City of Corning employees, 2 members of the public attended.
The purpose of the public hearing is to obtain the views of the citizenry on Proposed Public
Law #7. The background of this proposed public law is as follows:
On March 7, 2022, a resolution was presented to the Corning City Council to create a
Citizens “Representation” Committee (Citizens Committee) of five Corning residents to
(among other things): “Evaluate and recommend to the City Council any changes to the Mayor’s Term of office.”
The Citizens Committee recommended to the City Council that:
The term of Office of the Mayor be four-years, effective for the Mayor’s term
commencing in January of 2026, and that a Local Law be developed for City Council
consideration to change the City Charter to effect these changes.
At its meeting on August 7, 2023, the Corning City Council considered a resolution to
“enable the City Council, at its discretion, to further consider the [citizens] committee’s
recommendation in the form of a Local Law.” The resolution further requested that the City
Attorney develop a local law to implement the Citizens Committee’s recommendation.
question: “Shall the Charter of the City of Corning be amended to change the length of the
Mayor’s term from two years to four years?” be on the ballot at the general election in 2024.
If approved by the voters in 2024, it will amend section C2-10 of Article II of the Charter of
the City of Corning to provide that at the November 2025 general election and each fourth
year thereafter, a Mayor shall be elected for a term of four years.
There were no public comments.
Meeting of the City Council
The Council for the City of Corning, New York held its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. at
Council Chambers, Civic Center Plaza, Corning, New York.
All Councilmembers attended the meeting except members Betty Coccho and Mark Resue.
Counting City of Corning employees, 10 members of the public were in the audience.
Visitor’s Comments on Agenda Items:
There were no public comments.
Announcements – Mayor and Councilmembers
Councilmember Alison Hunt complimented organizers of the Harvest Festival this past
weekend for diverse bands and positive feedback and Glass Fest for a great event.
Committee Reports
Councilmember Clark, chair of the Surplus Lands Committee reported that the committee
has met twice and scheduled an October 11, 11am meeting to develop a recommendation
for the City Manager.
City Manager’s Message
Fire Chief Brad Davies sat in for the City Manager.
New Business – Mayor’s Term
The Council unanimously approved Public Law 7.
Mayor Boland thanked George Bacalles for his good work.
New Business - the Council Unanimously:
Approved street closings for:
The American Legion’s Veteran’s Day activities on November 10 th and 11 th (East First Street from Conhocton Street to Park Avenue) and on November 11 th (Conhocton Street from Cluthra Lane East first Street).
The Carder Elementary School Halloween Parade on October 31 (from Carder Elementary School down State Street to West 4 th Street).
Designated The foregoing events and the Radisson Hotel Halloween Walk as a “Special Event” per Chapter 194 of the City Code.
For background Chapter 194 of the City Code describes special events as “[t]hose activities
sponsored or cosponsored by a nonprofit or for-profit organization that will occupy or utilize city-owned parks, streets, plazas and/or will disturb or require normal traffic patterns to be altered.” Permits are subject to approval by the Director of Public Safety or his/her
designee, with a view to prevention of undue noise, prevention of fire hazards and to
protect public safety, health and welfare. Permitees are to pay a fee and provide insurance
coverage, security, traffic control and cleanup measures to the satisfaction of the City
Manager. Fees are different for non-profit and for-profit events. For non-profits, the fee is
$5, except that no fee shall be charged for participation by any recognized local nonprofit,
religious charitable, educational or civic organization. For-profit entities must pay 10% of
the entry fee or participation charge paid to the sponsoring organization.
Authorized the City Manager to accept grants from the Governor’s Safety Committee for Police Traffic Services in the amount of $16,402 and for Seat Belt Mobilization
Enforcement in the amount of $3,540.
Visitor’s Comments
There were no public comments.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
The writer of this report has presented items in an order different than that in which they occurred at the meeting.
The writer has, except as specifically noted, amended, or eliminated comments and attribution for them. Unless quotation marks are used, the comments reported are not verbatim.
For brevity, the writer has not included all items on the agenda of the meeting.
Some material has been added by the writer for context or clarity.