Launched in 1792 by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison during an expedition along the Hudson River, the Democratic Party today continues to offer New Yorkers and Americans across our nation hope and opportunity. As Ron Brown, former Chairman of the Democratic Party wrote:
"The common thread of Democratic history...has been an abiding faith in the judgment of hardworking American families, and a commitment to helping the excluded, the disenfranchised and the poor strengthen our nation by earning themselves a piece of the American Dream.”
Democrats understand the value of hard work, education, and opportunity. That’s why every single day, across New York State and in Washington, D.C., Democrats are working hard to bring more people into the economic mainstream, to improve our public schools, to protect our homeland, to make quality health care accessible, and to keep our air and water clean. And it’s not just elected officials who are fighting for these enduring values — it’s committed citizens in communities across New York and America.
We hope that you are among those committed citizens making a difference locally, statewide and nationally. If you aren’t, then we hope you’ll consider taking your political beliefs one step further by taking action.
You can become involved at any level: by spreading the Democratic message to your family, friends and neighbors; by volunteering on a campaign; or running for office. The form of activism you take on is less important than your actual involvement in the political process.
Because our government matters — it impacts our lives every single day. It also determines whether our state and our nation continue to move forward.
We hope that you will choose to help us keep New York and America moving forward. That’s why our door is open to you. In fact, you should think of this website as your initial doorway into the Democratic Party. This site will also help you connect to dozens of excellent information sources, including news organizations, environmental groups, and political activists.
In the weeks and months ahead, we hope that you will join us in spreading the Democratic message of hope and opportunity. Together, we can make a positive difference in New York and America.