A Citizen’s Report
A Meeting of the Corning City Council
July 1st, 2024
The Council for the City of Corning, New York held its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Council Chambers, Civic Center Plaza, Corning, New York.
All Council members attended the meeting except Frank Muccini, and Mark ReSue. Counting City of Corning employees, 17 members of the public were in the audience.
Visitor’s Comments on Agenda Items
Stewart Sammis and Andy Rochester, Co-chairs of the Corning Rotary Club’s Oktoberfest, described the Club’s intent to create an annual October event for
the City of Corning. Proceeds from the event will be used by the Rotary to promote literacy and to fund food security and other programs.
New Business - the Council Unanimously:
Approved a permit for the consumption of alcohol in Denison Park for the July 12th 12noon - 9pm Stull Graduation.
Closed Parking Lot #9 for the Rotary Club of Corning’s 2024 OktoberFest
October 11, 5pm through October 13, 12noon.
Granted permission for open containers in public during the Rotary Club’s 2024 OktoberFest on Saturday, October 12 from 10am – 6pm. The consumption of alcohol will only be allowed within the event space. Establishments serving alcohol will provide the City with proof of insurance at the required levels, which names the City of Corning as an additional insured.
Visitor’s Comments
Lynne Ricotta. W. Fourth Street, suggested that Corning install can and bottle recycling bins next to existing trash receptacles, as well as next to trash barrels at Glass Fest and other events. She said that the recycling bins would probably be emptied by community members to collect the refunds.
Representing Vinny Azzerelli, 74 E. Market Street, stated that drugs are being peddled on the street and asked how the City is doing on curbing illegal pot-selling shops.
Rick Edwards, W. Fourth Street, reported that there is wide diversity in the maintenance of residential sidewalks in Corning. He asked if the City has the authority to take
eminent domain of the sidewalks, repair them, and bill the resident.
Steve and Sloba Breinager, Glass Menagerie, Market Street, Corning
spoke individually about the impact of the nearby illegal pot shop/sticker shop.
In addition to the derelict, blighted condition of the building, the Breinagers are concerned about the shop’s influence on kids. They reported a group of young teens getting high in the parking lot.
Joe Tobia, Steuben County Legislator representing the City of Corning, reported that Steuben County is working with the County Legal Department to develop a local law to deal with “sticker” shops, possibly by October. No NYS counties have yet completed such a law.
Joe also announced a July 23-28 4-H Summer Showcase, that the Veggie Van is returning to the Corning Senior Center, Tuesday July 9th, and that
Sherriff Allard has secured a $660,000 grant to upgrade the records management system. Corning will be able to participate.
The meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.
The writer of this report has presented items in an order different than that in which they occurred at the meeting.
The writer has, except as specifically noted, amended, or eliminated comments and attribution for them. Unless quotation marks are used, the comments reported are not verbatim.
For brevity, the writer has not included all items on the agenda of the meeting.
Some material has been added by the writer for clarity